I will be out of the office from March 4th - March 23rd. I will not be responding to messages during that time. I will return all inquiries the week of March 24th. Thank you for your understanding!
Thank you for choosing massage therapy as part of your wellness routine. The schedule is generally FULL 3-4 weeks in advance. There are no same day appointments available. If you are a current client, contact me to be put on a wait list if you have an urgent concern that needs to be addressed. If you are interested in scheduling, call or text 412.426.5532
Interested in corporate massage? Check out the Off Site Massage page for more information.
Browse through my website to answer any questions you may have about massage and my practice. Perhaps this is your first experience with professional bodywork or maybe you're a seasoned pro on the treatment table. Either way, I look forward to meeting you and seeing how massage can fit into your wellness routine to help you live a more flexible, relaxed, pain free life.
Feel free to leave me a message or ask me a question on the Contact Information page on this site.
See you on the table!
FHW is conveniently located at 617 W Patrick St in Frederick!
There is a free parking lot in the rear of the building. The treatment room is located on the second floor. If you need an accessible entrance, please reach out before your appointment to learn about alternate parking options that access the second floor directly without using the stairs. There is no elevator in the building.